Explore the sights of Berlin on a bike

Berlin is a thrilling and surreal collage full of contradictions, an eclectic and edgy blend.Growing historical period has had its share of devastation, both deliberate and otherwise, leaving prospects for rebuilding behind.It occurred with both tradition and modernity, and often with odd ideas of utopia, making Berlin what it is today.

We journey through 800 years of history in Berlin: from historical to contemporary dimensions, where the renowned and the controversial come together to create a city unlike any other.The perfect way to get to know Berlin is this bike trip.We bring you closer to many complicated and important topics with ease with an interesting mix of entertainment and information.

What's included ? 

Rental bikes included 
If desired: helmets, rainscapes, bungie cordsstraps for a light luggage in the baskets of the bikes Berlin on the bike has been leading tours through the German capital since 2004.We continue our tour in the heart of Prenzlauer Berg, a former working-class city, located in the Kulturbrauerei.Our guides are long-term residents who are passionate about Berlin, its history and cycling around, of course.We all love sharing the joy of exploring the city from the point of view of the wheel. 

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